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Image by Bernardo Lorena Ponte


Our professional practice since our foundation has been based on the INFORMATION and CONSULTATION bases on shipments of goods by land and sea transport, based on the CMR Convention, Law 15/2009, Vienna Convention, Hague Rules, SOLAS...

In short, our firm, made up of lawyers specialized in transport law, will advise you on the following points:


ADVICEat any time and in the face of any situation that arises in the supply chain, from dispatch at source to delivery, including loading, handling and unloading, as well as any claim to insurance companies for damage suffered therein.

SUPPORTin customs procedures, optimizing the process from an economic and financial point of view, and in relation to the conditions stipulated in the various Incoterms agreed together with their new applicable regulations.


CONTROL AND REVIEWcompliance with the requirements and conditions established for dangerous and perishable goods in accordance with the IMDG, ADR and ATP Agreements regulations. Extrajudicial and judicial DEFENSE integrates the company. In short, with the support of a network of professionals that make up the very structure of the firm.


NEGOTIATION and ANALYSIScontractual adapted to the client, based on the shipping profile, shipping area, weight and dimensions of the merchandise, costs and additional charges.



We regulate all  marketing acts at a legal level.


It is the branch of public law that regulates crimes.


We regulate all  aspects of the lawcivil relation.


It is the branch of the legal system that regulates labor relations.


Thanks to our experience
we advise each case

Logotipo BC

C/ Rosselló 235, 1º1º , 08008 Barcelona 

+ 34 613 237 141

+ 34 932 497 670

Ancla 1
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